3 ways to gift-give waste free

In the spirit of today being another day that the world tries to make you feel like you need to give presents and buy stuff just so that people feel loved and important, and make you feel guilty for not doing so (Happy Valentine’s Day!) – I thought I’d share three ways to give waste free.

  1. Donate to a charity on behalf of your friend, loved one or partner. Thyme & Again had heart shaped cookies that they give you in paper bags, that go towards the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Yummy and kind.Screenshot_20180214-171433
  2. Why not give a dried bouquet? If you’re like me and like to make dried arrangements for fun, you may have some lying around to give. To make it extra special, you can put in a bottle that means something special (like that empty liquor bottle that you drank together and made wild memories with).


3. Just spend time together. Cook dinner for each other, even if you don’t know how – it will be hilarious. Play video games or just lay around and talk. Some of my best memories were with my gal pals laying around in bed and having pillow talk.

And that’s it. This can apply to any special occasion like birthdays and holiday time. How do you gift give?

Published by Mailyne

Owner of DLG Media. Founder of A.R.T. in Action. Philanthropist. Environmentalist. Activist. Photographer. Video Producer. Writer. Artist. Mama.

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