A mini interview by Sidney Weiss

Sidney is in their third year of journalism at Carleton University and was working on the zero waste movement in Ottawa. They reached out to me to ask me a few questions about the lifestyle. Thank you Sidney! Just a note: while Jodi and I would love to be able to connect and meet withContinue reading "A mini interview by Sidney Weiss"

Mattress pick-up in Ottawa

Hey Ottawans, Recently I had to go through the process of getting a new mattress and discarding the old one. We had a king-size mattress that we wanted to save from the landfill and donate because it was in good condition so I called around. To no avail, no companies would pick it up becauseContinue reading "Mattress pick-up in Ottawa"

2 Year Zero Waste Check-In

As the second year of my "zero waste" journey ends, I thought it would be appropriate to check in.  Let me be clear and say that I am no longer the same person that I was when I began. Meaning I've definitely loosened the reins a little, especially since cutting meat and dairy out ofContinue reading "2 Year Zero Waste Check-In"

Simple 2 Ingredient Eyeliner

    June 01, 2016: I did it! I finally made my own eyeliner, and it's vegan!  It was really easy. I have no idea why I procrastinated for about a month before finally making this. Here's how: INGREDIENTS: 1/4 tsp (or 4 capsules) Activated Charcoal Distilled Water (I just used filtered, filtered by my Binchotan CharcoalContinue reading "Simple 2 Ingredient Eyeliner"

INTERVIEW: Soap For Sale, the soap-making process

**Just a note: This is a post transferred from our other site written on June 20, 2016** Hey everyone! I wanted to give a little bit more background into the wonderful world of our soaps that we sell here, handmade by our permaculture, nature loving Mama aka Jodi aka Soap For Sale. When I first went no 'pooContinue reading "INTERVIEW: Soap For Sale, the soap-making process"